New Houses in Modesto

New Construction

For those that are house shopping and found these prices.  It would be intresting to track how these prices fluctuate over the course of the next year.

Prices are subject to change.  I have no connections with these companies.  Just a potential home buyer.

    Square         Price
Builder Subdivision Plan Name Footage Bed Bath Garage Base Price Obtained
William Lyon Homes Groves Orange 1620 3 2.5 2 $269,990.00 7/1/2007
William Lyon Homes Groves Apple 1951 3 2.5 2 $292,990.00 7/1/2007
William Lyon Homes Groves Pear 2198 4 3 2 $312,990.00 7/1/2007
William Lyon Homes Trails Oregon 1733 3 2.5 2 $259,990.00 7/1/2007
William Lyon Homes Trails Californian 1814 3 2.5 2 $269,990.00 7/1/2007
William Lyon Homes Trails Appalachian 2689 3 3 3 $334,990.00 7/1/2007

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